The number of WA applications received under the State Nominated Migration Program (SNMP) has now exceeded the available allocations for the 2023-24 program year.
WA Migration Services will stop accepting new SNMP applications from close of business on 2 February 2024.
Existing applications that have already been lodged prior to this time will continue to be assessed under existing eligibility criteria, and eligible applicants will be issued nominations (subject to availability of allocations).
Some eligible applications lodged prior to the program closure date will not be considered as part of the 2023-24 program year. Applicants will be contacted if this applies to their application.
Those who have visas expiring should seek professional advice from a Registered Migration Agent (RMA) and ensure that they remain lawful during their stay in Australia. A comprehensive list of RMAs is available at in a new tab).
The State Government continues to advocate for nomination allocation numbers that meet the needs of the State.