A Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) is a formal agreement between the Australian Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs) and a regional, state or territory authority.
It provides access to more overseas workers than the standard skilled migration programs.
DAMAs operate under an agreement-based framework, providing flexibility for regions to respond to their unique economic and labour market conditions.
Businesses seeking to access a DAMA must first obtain endorsement from an authorised Designated Area Representative (DAR).

What is a Designated Area Migration Agreement?

A DAMA enables eligible businesses, who are unable to recruit appropriately qualified Australians, to supplement their workforce with skilled migrants through three visa programs:
What is a Designated Area Representative?
Authorised by Home Affairs, a Designated Area Representative (DAR) manages and oversees a DAMA for businesses within a specified area. DAR responsibilities include:
- endorsing businesses to access DAMA Labour Agreements and hire skilled migrants;
- guiding the application process to access a DAMA Labour Agreement;
- monitoring labour market trends in the designated area; and
- endorsing businesses to Home Affairs.
Businesses seeking to access a DAMA must first obtain endorsement from the authorised DAR.
What is a Labour Agreement?
An approved Home Affairs Labour Agreement allows endorsed businesses to sponsor skilled workers through a specific visa pathway, and:
- is generally in effect for five years; and
- uses the Labour Agreement stream of the:
- Skills in Demand (formally TSS) visa programs,
- SESR visa programs, and
- ENS visa programs.
An endorsed business can access DAMA terms and concessions and negotiate an individual DAMA Labour Agreement with Home Affairs.
Designated Area Migration Agreements available in Western Australia
Four DAMAs have been established in Western Australia to address local worker shortages. Each DAMA has been tailored to meet unique regional labour demands providing local businesses access to visa concessions to help attract skilled migrants. Read more about the available DAMAs below.
Designated Area Representative: City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
Designated area: access to this DAMA is available to businesses operating in the Local Government boundaries of:
- City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder
- Shire of Coolgardie
- Shire of Dundas
- Shire of Esperance
- Shire of Laverton
- Shire of Leonora
- Shire of Menzies
- Shire of Ravensthorpe
Occupation availability: Each DAMA has its own list of occupations that can be nominated, based on the needs of the designated area.
If the occupation you are seeking to fill is not available through the Goldfields DAMA, it may be available through the WA DAMA(opens in a new tab).
Endorsement application: If you are an eligible employer who operates within this designated area you should apply directly to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for endorsement to employ skilled migrants.
Designated Area Representative: East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EKCCI)
Designated area: access to this DAMA is available to businesses operating in the Local Government boundaries of:
- Shire of Wyndham East-Kimberley
- Shire of Broome
- Shire of Halls Creek
- Shire of Derby-West Kimberley
Occupation availability: Each DAMA has its own list of occupations that can be nominated, based on the needs of the designated area.
If the occupation you are seeking to fill is not available through the Kimberley DAMA, it may be available through the WA DAMA(opens in a new tab).
Endorsement application: If you are an eligible employer who operates within this designated area you should apply directly to EKCCI for endorsement to employ skilled migrants.
The Kimberley DAMA is not exclusive to EKCCI members.
Designated Area Representative: Regional Development Australia Pilbara
Designated area: access to this DAMA is available to businesses operating in the Local Government boundaries of:
- City of Karratha
- Town of Port Hedland
- Shire of East Pilbara
Occupation availability: Each DAMA has its own list of occupations that can be nominated, based on the needs of the designated area.
If the occupation you are seeking to fill is not available through the Pilbara DAMA, it may be available through the WA DAMA(opens in a new tab).
Endorsement application: If you are an eligible employer who operates within this designated area you should apply directly to Regional Development Australia Pilbara for endorsement to employ skilled migrants.
Designated Area Representative: Shire of Dardanup
Designated area: access to this DAMA is available to businesses operating in the Local Government boundaries of:
- City of Bunbury
- City of Busselton
- Shire of Augusta Margaret River
- Shire of Boyup Brook
- Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes
- Shire of Capel
- Shire of Collie
- Shire of Dardanup
- Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup
- Shire of Harvey
- Shire of Manjimup
- Shire of Nannup
Occupation availability: Each DAMA has its own list of occupations that can be nominated, based on the needs of the designated area.
If the occupation you are seeking to fill is not available through the South West DAMA, it may be available on the WA DAMA(opens in a new tab).
Endorsement application: If you are an eligible employer who operates within this designated area you should apply directly to the Shire of Dardanup for endorsement to employ skilled migrants.
Regional and WA DAMA occupation eligibility
For occupations located within the designated areas of an active DAMA region, you should continue to apply directly to the respective DAR for endorsement to employ skilled migrants. If the nominated occupation you are seeking to fill is not available through your local regional DAMA, but the occupation is available under the WA DAMA, you can apply directly to Migration Services for endorsement under the WA DAMA. This provision ensures that businesses have access to a broader range of occupations to support their individual workforce needs.
Western Australia Designated Area Migration Agreement
The WA DAMA is the fifth DAMA established in WA, supporting the whole state, and complementing the available Goldfields, Kimberley, Pilbara, and South West DAMAs. Endorsed businesses can access a range of concessions through the WA DAMA, helping to attract, sponsor and retain skilled migrant workers.

What is the Western Australian Designated Area Migration Agreement?
The WA DAMA was established in July 2024 in response to strong demand from employers to fill jobs in key areas of WA.
Designated Area Representative: The Department of Training and Workforce Development, through Migration Services
Designated area: access to the WA DAMA is available to businesses operating in the following post codes:
- Category 2 (Perth Metropolitan): 6000 to 6038, 6050 to 6083, 6090 to 6182, 6208 to 6211, 6214 and 6556 to 6558
- Category 3 (Regional WA): all post codes in Western Australia not mentioned in Category 2.
Occupation availability: Each DAMA has its own list of occupations that can be nominated, based on the needs of the designated area. If the occupation you are seeking to fill is available for the intended visa subclass and designated area category, you may be eligible to access the WA DAMA.
Occupation distribution:
- 50% of places are allocated to Perth Metropolitan (Category 2).
- 50% of places are allocated to Regional WA (Category 3).
Endorsement application: if you are an eligible employer who operates within this designated area and your nominated occupation is available on the WA DAMA Occupation list(opens in a new tab), you should apply directly to Migration Services for endorsement to employ skilled migrants.
Endorsement fee: Migration Services does not currently charge a fee for an Endorsement application to access the WA DAMA.

WA DAMA concessions
Through the WA DAMA, eligible businesses can seek to access a range of concessions to the requirements in the Commonwealth Migration Legislation required to sponsor a skilled migrant(s) and grant of a visa application.
Perth Metropolitan (see WA DAMA Designated area):
Focuses on higher skill levels (Skill Levels 1 to 3) and includes semi-skilled occupations (Skill Level 4) and a small number of non-ANZSCO occupations.
Regional WA (see WA DAMA Designated area):
Offers a broader list of eligible occupations, including higher skill levels (Skill Levels 1 to 3), semi-skilled occupations (Skill Level 4), and additional occupations specific to regional industry needs. It provides a shorter pathway to permanent residency and lesser work experience requirements compared to Perth Metropolitan.
- Have at least one year of relevant full time or part time pro rata equivalent work experience for the Skills in Demand (formally TSS) visa program; or
- Have at least two years of relevant full time or part time pro rata equivalent work experience for the SESR or ENS visa programs, where the nominated worker will be living and working in Regional Western Australia; or
- Have at least three years of relevant full time work experience or part time pro rata equivalent work experience for the SESR or ENS visa programs, where the nominated worker will be living and working in Metropolitan Perth.
Increased age limit for visa applicants from 45 to 55 years.
The minimum English language requirement is IELTS 5.0
Skill Level 1-2 occupations: no English language concession
Skill Level 3-4 occupations (Skills in Demand (formally TSS)/SESR visa pathways): IELTS 5.0 with no minimum band score
Skill Level 3-4 occupations (ENS visa pathway): IELTS 5.0 with no individual band score lower than 4.0
Note: English language concessions may not be approved for client-facing occupations, those with workplace health and safety concerns, or where registration and licensing require higher English language proficiency.
The permanent visa pathway concession is only available for ENS visa pathway endorsement requests.
Businesses seeking to nominate an existing Skills in Demand (formally TSS) or SESR visa holder, the employee must meet the below eligibility criteria:
- nominated occupation must be available under the WA DAMA;
- nominated employee has lived and worked in Perth Metropolitan (as defined in WA DAMA Designated area) for a period of three years, or Regional WA (as defined in WA DAMA Designated area) for a two year period;
- nominated occupation must be connected to the existing employee’s experience in Western Australia whilst nominated on the Skills in Demand (formally TSS) visa; and
- offer of full-time employment for at least two years, with possibility of extension offer of permanent employment.
Note 1) This pathway is only accessible to those skilled migrants whose original nomination resulted from endorsement under the WA DAMA.
Note 2) Labour marketing testing is not required under the ENS pathway.
Eligibility criteria, evidence and conditions of endorsement
To be considered for endorsement through the WA DAMA, nominating businesses must be able to meet the eligibility and criteria conditions listed below.
The onus and responsibility is on the business to provide all requested supporting evidence to enable Migration Services to assess an Endorsement application.
A breakdown of the required information, including examples of supporting evidence are outlined below.
Business is legally established and currently operating in WA
Required information and evidence
- Registered name of business/organisation.
- Trading name (if applicable).
- Certified copy of Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN) registration certificate or licence, including details of share of ownership.
If your business is a Company, you can provide either:
- an Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) company extract (listing registration details for the Australian Company Number); or
- an Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listing registration (if applicable).
If your business is a Trust, Joint venture or Franchise, if applicable, please provide the signature page of, and the pages listing the parties to the:
- Trust;
- Joint venture; or
- Francise arrangement.
If your business is party to a Trust arrangement, you must provide a certified copy of the Trust Deed and you must also ensure you submit your application in the name of the trustee as it appears on the Trust Deed and specify the Trust name and Trust ABN in your application.
Any additional permits or licences required to operate for certain businesses (i.e. Builder’s Registration for building company)
Required information and evidence
- Registered business address, including Head office and address of any other operating sites in the State; and
- Photographic evidence of business premises; and
- Signed commercial tenancy, property lease and property ownership for all relevant properties.
Required information and evidence
- Identification such as a Passport or WA Driver’s licence.
Required information and evidence
- Letter from a Chartered Accountant, or Certified Practicing Accountant, stating 12 months operation, net assets, profit / loss, and turnover and financial viability for the forward period.
- Full set of audited financial statements for the most recently concluded financial year and business activity statement for each quarter of the current financial year.
- Business capability statement / promotional material referencing operations in Western Australia.
- Business plans or proposals to confirm ongoing business operations including:
- proposed business investment activity in Western Australia;
- any contracts or subcontracting arrangement to verify ongoing work in Western Australia; and
- financial investment and viability statement for period the business is seeking to nominate a migrant.
Adverse findings include investigations, convictions, finding of non-compliance, administrative actions or legal proceedings relating to a Federal, State or Territory law.
Required information and evidence
A statement confirming the business, or any entity the nominated business representative has been associated with, has not been investigated or audited in the past five years on compliance including provisions relating to:
- Migration;
- Industrial relations and workplace relations; and
- Occupational health and safety.
A statement disclosing if a current or past business has been investigated or audited during the last five years, including:
- details on what transpired and the outcome, and any mitigating circumstances for consideration;
- the nature of adverse information, including the key date/s showing when the adverse information that arose, including the credibility of the source of adverse information;
- in the case of an alleged contravention of a law, whether the allegations have been substantiated or not;
- whether your business has taken any steps to ensure the circumstances that led to the adverse information do not reoccur; and
- information about findings made by a relevant authority* in relation to the adverse information and the significance attached by the competent authority to the adverse information.
* Relevant authorities include the following:
- Department of Home Affairs or another Australian Government agency.
- Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman, or former authority with this function, or the relevant State or Territory Government authority in relation to compliance with workplace relations provisions.
Business workforce needs
Required information and evidence
- Skilled Migrant Employment Register (SMER) unique identifier; and/or
- Email communication from Migration Services outlining SMER registration has been verified and approved and includes a SMER unique identifier.
Required information and evidence
- Formal/endorsed organisational chart (see sample org chart(opens in a new tab)), which is less than six months old, and includes:
- positions requested for endorsement (highlighted);
- position titles;
- reporting lines for all staff;
- employment status for each position (apprentices/trainees, full-time, part-time or casual); and
- visa status for each position (Australian permanent resident, Australian citizen or visa subclass).
- Details of any redundancies (including position/occupation names and locations) undertaken within the last 12 months.
- Details of any previously lodged or approved Endorsement requests.
For Metropolitan based businesses (Category 2, WA DAMA Designated area) the DAR must be satisfied that the requested number of skilled migrants does not exceed the 50% ratio set by Home Affairs.
The organisation chart (as above) must also detail the:
- number of Australian citizens or permanent residents currently employed; and
- number of skilled migrants currently employed, and/or employed within the last 24 months.
- Fly-in-fly out positions cannot be considered under the WA DAMA.
- The nominated occupation must be available on the WA DAMA Occupation list.
- Where the relevant occupation is available on a current active regional DAMA in WA, and the nominating business is based in that region, endorsement will need to be sought from the relevant DAMA.
- Migration Services cannot endorse a position beyond the term of the WA DAMA.
Required information and evidence
- Total number of positions being requested, including breakdown by year (if applicable). Noting Migration Services can not endorse a position beyond the term of the WA DAMA.
- Each position being requested must include:
- ANZSCO code and occupation title;
- Visa subclass;
- Concessions being sought by position;
- Job description;
- Location of position, if applicable [noting, if the position is intended to work alone, in isolation or with only 1 other employee of the business, evidence must be provided to confirm the physical presence of the business in the location specified, such as photos of the business premises, lease agreements];
- Term and conditions of employment, including salary and hours;
- Detailed business case outlining the reason seeking endorsement, and any related concessions; and
- Workforce plan, and/or evidence of pipeline of work, for each position and impact to business should the positions not be filled.
If the details of the nominee are known
- First and last name (as shown on passport);
- Nominated occupation;
- Country of origin;
- Location of employment; and
- Skills and qualifications.
Required information and evidence
If the nominee is unknown
- Employment contract template (if prospective nominee is unknown) which outlines terms and conditions of employment, including a breakdown of salary, superannuation, and non-monetary components.
- Employment must be full-time, in accordance with the relevant Award or Agreement for the industry.
- Evidence that the nominee's salary will be no less than the current Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (November 2024: $73,150 p.a.).
If the nominee is already employed in the position
- Three recent payslips – if the prospective nominee is already employed in the position.
and at least one of the following:
- Employment contract and three recent payslips for a current Australian or permanent resident employee undertaking the same (or similar) position in the same location; or
- Enterprise Agreement specific to the business; or
- Advertisements for the last six months for the same (or similar) positions in the same location, including the stated salary for the nominated position; or
- Salary reports specific to the Western Australian market (specified location) from a reputable source.
Labour Market Testing (LMT) is only required if seeking endorsement under a TSS or SESR visa pathway.
- Advertising (paid or unpaid) must be in English.
- Advertisements in general classifieds or social media will not be accepted.
- LinkedIn online recruitment is acceptable for LMT purposes but job vacancy advertisement cannot be restricted to LinkedIn profile members only.
- Advertising must have been done within the 12 months immediately prior to lodging a nomination visa application with Home Affairs.
- Nominated positions must have been advertised for four weeks (28 consecutive days).
- Applications or expressions of interest for the advertised position must have been accepted for at least four weeks (28 days).
- If an Australian citizen or permanent resident worker has been made redundant or retrenched from the nominated position within the four months prior to lodging a visa application with Home Affairs, the advertising must have occurred since the date of the redundancy or retrenchment.
Required information and evidence
Metropolitan Perth (Category 2, Designated area) | Regional Western Australia (Category 3, Designated area) |
At least two separate advertisements | At least two separate advertisements, where;
- Advertisements must be on, or in, one of the following:
- a prominent or professional recruitment website with national reach that publishes advertisements throughout Australia;
- print media with national reach in Australia;
- radio with national reach in Australia;
- business website if the sponsor is an accredited sponsor;
- industry-specific websites relevant to the occupation that are in significant use by the industry; or
- Jobs and Skills Centre Jobs Board.
Advertisements must include:
- title or description of the position;
- skills and experience required for the position;
- location of the position;
- salary for the position; and
- the name of the nominating business, and/or the name of the recruitment agency being used by the nominated business, including evidence (such as invoices) demonstrating the nominated business has engaged the recruitment agency.
- A positive WA DAMA endorsement is valid for 12 months only from the date of issue.
- As part of the Labour Agreement application, businesses must submit their positive endorsement to Home Affairs within the validity period.
Conditions of Endorsement
To access the WA DAMA nominating businesses must meet the following criteria:
1 Provide relevant business details and a declaration the employer has no adverse information relating to employment of workers (detailed in Eligibility criteria - Business established and operating in WA(opens in a new tab));
2 Register on the Skilled Migrant Employment Register to aid in finding suitable migrants to nominate as part of the WA DAMA (detailed in Eligibility criteria - Business workforce needs(opens in a new tab));
3 Commit to allowing migrants to attend employment law information sessions as specified by Migration Services;
4 Complete an annual report verifying the details of all migrants employed under the agreement; and
5 Understand and agree to the following:
- that by submitting an application for Endorsement you confirm your intent to:
- access the WA DAMA occupations and concessions;
- apply to enter into a Labour Agreement with Home Affairs;
- provide evidence of Labour Market testing conducted in the last 12 months prior to lodging the nomination application as required by the Commonwealth Migration Legislation for the nominated occupation; and
- ensure that skilled migrant(s) sponsored through Labour Agreements receive terms and conditions that meet applicable Australian workplace Law and are no less favourable that those provided to Australian workers.
- acknowledge that you are aware of, and agree to comply with, all applicable Commonwealth Migration Legislation, including your sponsorship obligations(opens in a new tab).
- accept that Migration Services as the DAR for the WA DAMA:
- is under no obligation to approve your application or endorse your business for a Labour Agreement;
- cannot require Department of Home Affairs to agree to enter into a Labour Agreement with you;
- will not be party to any such Labour Agreement; and
- confirm any concessions requested will not undermine a nominated skilled migrant’s ability to support themselves or lead to exploitation.
1 Notify Migration Services of the outcome of any Labour Agreement submission or visa applications related to Endorsement;
2 Provide Migration Services with information when requested, and annual reports for the term of an approved Labour Agreement;
3 Provide the name and contact details for the nominated skilled migrant(s) at the point of lodging a visa application with Home Affairs;
4 Submit a Data Release form signed by the nominated skilled migrant, giving permission for Migration Services to receive visa status updates from the Department of Home Affairs upon request;
5 Provide the nominated skilled migrant(s) with settlement information, prior to commencing employment, as provided by Migration Services. Information will include:
- workplace rights and entitlements;
- local area services such as health, emergency and educational services;
- community activities and religious services;
- living costs in the Designated Area; and
- English language services (education and translating and interpreting services (TIS National(opens in a new tab))).
Where the nominated skilled migrant(s) has been living and working in the designated area for at least 12 months prior to the visa application, only information about workplace rights and entitlements is required to be provided.
6 Commit to allowing and releasing the nominated skilled migrant(s) to attend employment law information session(s) as specified by Migration Services at no cost to the skilled migrant. (This is in addition to providing settlement information as specified in requirement 5 in this section);
7 Ensure the nominated skilled migrant(s) satisfies the skills, qualification, experience and employment background required under the WA DAMA Occupation List(opens in a new tab); and
8 Ensure the nominated skilled migrant(s) will meet any occupation licensing or registration requirement, as per Migration Regulations and/or Federal, State and Territory Laws.
Other support services
The support services provided by Migration Services are accessible to all of Western Australia, ensuring comprehensive coverage across the state.

Connect with skilled migrants
The Skilled Migrant Employment Register is a free initiative helping employers connect with migrants who want to join the workforce and build a life in Western Australia.

Construction Industry support
We know that navigating Australia's skilled migration system can be complex and expensive, so we've created the Construction Migration Office to help guide you through our services.

Construction Visa Subsidy Program
The Construction Visa Subsidy Program is supporting Western Australian construction businesses to fill the demand for a skilled workforce.

Settlement Services
Our friendly Settlement Services team can provide free information and referral services, assisting you to establish your life and get settled in WA.
How to access the Western Australian Designated Area Migration Agreement

Nominating an Authorised Migration Representative
Once you have started an Endorsement application, you can nominate an Authorised Migration Representative to assist you through the Endorsement application process.
If you are nominating an Authorised Migration Representative, you must use their personalised email address; you cannot nominate them via a shared inbox.
Acting as an Authorised Migration Representative
If you have been nominated to act on behalf of an employer through the WA DAMA Endorsement process, please refer to our WA DAMA Endorsement application guide.
Designated area
If your business operates within one of the existing four available DAMAs(opens in a new tab), first check if the occupation is available through the relevant DAMA, as you may be required to apply through your local DAR.
If your nominated occupation is not available through your local DAMA, next check the WA DAMA Occupation list(opens in a new tab).
Criteria and conditions
The business must meet the Eligibility criteria and conditions of endorsement(opens in a new tab).
The onus and responsibility are on the business to provide all requested supporting evidence to enable Migration Services to assess an Endorsement application.
We know that navigating Australia’s skilled migration system can be complex and confusing at times, so our dedicated WA DAMA team are here to assist if you have any questions.
Once you have determined that you are eligible for the WA DAMA, you will need to create a profile on the Migration WA Portal and complete a registration to join the Skilled Migrant Employment Register (SMER).
You will be required to provide confirmation of your SMER registration as part of the Endorsement application process.
You will use this same portal to login and submit an Endorsement application for the WA DAMA.
New Portal users
Sign up and create a Migration WA Portal profile by clicking the button below.
Existing Portal users
If you already have a portal profile, you can log in (by clicking the button below) and select the WA DAMA option to commence the process to submit an Endorsement application (outlined in Step 5).
If you are recruiting for a skilled migrant, Migration Services offers a free job matching service to assist businesses in connecting with eligible skilled migrants.
The Skilled Migration Employment Register (SMER)(opens in a new tab) can help you connect with skilled migrants who are actively seeking employment opportunities in Western Australia. The job matching function streamlines the process of finding skilled migrants that align with your job vacancies.
Even if you have already recruited a skilled migrant, creating a SMER profile is necessary to meet the WA DAMA eligibility and criteria(opens in a new tab).
Additionally, you must ensure that the skilled migrant:
- meets the skills, qualifications, and experience required by the WA DAMA occupation list.
- complies with any necessary occupation licensing or registration requirements according to migration regulations and state laws.
This comprehensive evaluation ensures that the skilled migrant is fully qualified and legally compliant for the intended job role.
Required evidence
To support your Endorsement application, you will be required to prepare and submit the required evidence outlined in the Eligibility criteria, evidence and conditions of endorsement section(opens in a new tab).
- All documents must be submitted in English and be high-quality colour copies of the original. (If your documents are in a language other than English, you must get them be translated by an accredited translator.)
- Other documents may be requested to support your application.
- Submitting the documents outlined in the Eligibility criteria, evidence and conditions of endorsement section (opens in a new tab)does not guarantee that your application will be approved.
Document Verification
Verification checks will be undertaken for the documents provided by businesses during the application and assessment process. this includes contacting employers and other stakeholders directly to confirm information and documents provided are genuine.
Businesses which provide false or misleading information may have their application declined. The Department of Training and Workforce Development may also report false and misleading information to Home Affairs.
Once you have your endorsement application supporting evidence and related documents ready:
- Log in to the Migration WA Portal and click the ‘Start your Endorsement application’ button.
- On the second page of the Endorsement application, you can nominate an Authorised Migration Representative to complete the application on your behalf. The application will prompt you as to when you can exit the application.
- If you are nominating an Authorised Migration Representative, you must use their personalised email address; you cannot nominate them via a shared inbox.
- If you are completing the application form yourself, you must upload the required evidence (detailed in Eligibility criteria, evidence, and conditions of endorsement(opens in a new tab)).
- Click the ‘Save and Next’ button to save your Endorsement application as you complete each section.
- If you are unable to finish your Endorsement application in one sitting, you can log out and resume at your convenience.
- You will have 60 calendar days to submit your Endorsement application. An Endorsement application that is not submitted within this time frame, will be withdrawn.
- By submitting an Endorsement application, you agree to comply with the WA DAMA Terms and Conditions.
- You must be able to substantiate the claims made through the Endorsement application process, and any on-going compliance requirements.
There is currently no associated application fee for submitting an Endorsement application to access the WA DAMA.
- The DAR reserves the right to withdraw an Endorsement application or Letter of endorsement at any time.
- Home Affairs is responsible for the assessment and granting of all Labour Agreements and visas.
- The WA DAMA program may be amended at any time, including to align with directions provided by Home Affairs.
- The DAR reserves the right to amend the Occupation Lists, policy and endorsement criteria at any time.
- The DAR reserves the right to exercise discretion in allocating places under the WA DAMA program.
- Such decisions will be guided by the following principles:
- equity of access to allocated places;
- mix of occupations; and
- reasonable spread of employers.
You will be notified of your application outcome by email.
If your application is approved;
- a letter of endorsement and copies of the supporting documents will be sent to Home Affairs and your business.
- you will then be able to lodge a Labour agreement with Home Affairs.
A positive WA DAMA endorsement is valid for 12 months only from the date of issue.
If your application is declined, your outcome email will outline the reason why.
- The WA DAMA program may be amended at any time, including to align with directions provided by Home Affairs.
- The DAR reserves the right to amend the Occupation Lists, policy and endorsement criteria at any time.
- The DAR reserves the right to exercise discretion in allocating places under the WA DAMA program.
- Such decisions will be guided by the following principles:
- equity of access to allocated places;
- mix of occupations; and
- reasonable spread of employers.
If your WA DAMA application is approved you will receive a letter of endorsement, detailing the WA DAMA Agreement name and number.
You will then be able to apply for an individual Labour Agreement with Home Affairs, who are responsible for the assessment and granting of all Labour Agreements and visas.
As part of the Labour Agreement application, businesses must submit their positive endorsement to Home Affairs within the endorsement validity period(opens in a new tab).
You may also choose to engage an Authorised Migration Representative at this point to assist you through the Labour Agreement and subsequent visa application process.
If a WA DAMA Endorsement application is declined, employers have the opportunity to request a review.
A review request must clearly outline the basis for the request.
The review process can only consider the documentation and information supplied with the original endorsement application. No additional documentation, or changed circumstances, will be considered.
All review requests must be submitted to Migration Services within 28 calendar days of the date of the email advising the nominated business of the outcome of a WA DAMA Endorsement application.
To request a review, please email migration@dtwd.wa.gov.au.
Western Australian Designated Area Migration Agreement Occupation filter
Designated area
If your business operates within one of the existing four available DAMAs(opens in a new tab), first check if the occupation is available through the relevant DAMA, as you may be required to apply through your local DAR.
If your nominated occupation is not available through your local DAMA, next check the WA DAMA Occupation list(opens in a new tab).
Industry Labour Agreements
Where the nominated occupation is available under an existing Home Affairs approved Industry Labour Agreement; the nominated occupation can only be considered for endorsement if the nominated skilled overseas worker(s) will be employed in an industry that is different to the industry stated in the relevant Industry Labour Agreement.
Using the WA DAMA Occupation list filters
To help you narrow your search, you can use the filters to refine your search. You can use more than one filter.
All matching results will then be displayed.
Designated area
Metropolitan Perth occupations: a business must operate within the following postcodes 6000 to 6038, 6050 to 6083, 6090 to 6182, 6208 to 6211, 6214, and 6556 to 6558.
Regional WA occupations: available to businesses operating outside of the above post codes.