Establishing a new life can be a complicated process - but we are here to help.
Our specialist Settlement Services team offers free information, referrals and support to help you, and your family settle into your new life here in WA.
A free walk-in service is available in the Perth metropolitan area, as well as case management services from our regional providers.

Regional Settlement Services
The Skilled Migration Job Connect Program is continuing to support newly arrived skilled migrants into Western Australia’s workforce and community with specialist Settlement Services extended to regional locations.
The new services are in addition to the existing free walk-in settlement services available for skilled migrants and their families at WA Migration Services Perth-based office.
Providers have been appointed to deliver settlement services in the Kimberley, Pilbara, Mid West, and Great Southern regions.
Contact one of the regional providers listed below for more information.
Kimberley - West
(Shire of Broome and Shire of Derby)
Broome Chamber of Commerce
W: in a new tab)
E: in a new tab)
T: 08 9193 5553
Mid West
Centacare Family Services, Geraldton
W: in a new tab)
T: 08 9921 1433

Kimberley - East
(Shire of Wyndham and Shire of Halls Creek)
East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry
W: in a new tab)
E: in a new tab)
T: 0429 484 662
Regional Development Australia Pilbara
W: in a new tab)
T: 0499 325 584
Great Southern
Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre
Katanning Office:
M: 0400 869 770
Great Southern
Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre
Albany Office:
M: 0400 684 756
Build your own Settlement Services guide
We have compiled useful and important information to assist with your successful settlement journey.
You can browse one of the popular topics or categories, or search for something specific by following the instructions(opens in a new tab) to use the Settlement Services filter.
You can also 'bookmark' information and build your own Settlement Services Guide to download and keep. Watch the "How to build your own Settlement Services Guide" for step-by-step instructions.
Using the Settlement Services filter
Using the filters on the left you can browse popular topics or categories, or search for something specific.
All matching results will then be displayed.
To build your own Settlement Services Guide bookmark information you’re interested in by clicking on the star icon in the top right hand corner.
Bookmarked information will then be displayed in the ‘My Guide’ section and once you are finished you can download your own Settlement Services Guide as a PDF.