The aim of the Skilled Migrant Job Connect Subsidy Program (the Subsidy) is to support skilled migrants to help meet the cost of training, licensing and registration so they can gain employment in Western Australia in line with their qualifications, skills and experience gained overseas.
It is important to note that the WA Government's Subsidy program has particular obligations and conditions that are important for any prospective claimant to understand and be aware of.
Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully, so you are fully informed of the key aspects of WA's Subsidy program and its related obligations and conditions.

The Subsidy program provides financial assistance of up to $7,500 to skilled migrants to access approved services (refer to 2.3 Approved services) that is, training, licensing and registration services to enable them to gain employment in an occupation commensurate with their formal overseas qualifications, skills and experience.
The program responds to the outcomes of the Perth Skills Summit and Regional Skills Summits held around the State in 2021.
By applying for financial assistance provided through the Subsidy program, the claimant agrees to comply with the Terms and Conditions. The Terms and Conditions, together with any other documents having contractual force, shall constitute and be known as “this Agreement”. Please note that terms used in one document and defined in another shall have the meanings ascribed to them in that other document.
The Department of Training and Workforce Development ("the Department") administers the Subsidy program.
2.1 Eligibility criteria
Migrants eligible to access the Subsidy Program are those who demonstrate and provide supporting evidence and documents against the following criteria:
- have registered and been approved or re-validated as a Job Connect claimant in the past six months;
- be onshore and residing in Western Australia;
- have arrived in Western Australia within the last 10 years;
- currently hold a valid visa with working rights;
- have either recently gained employment in Western Australia that requires one or more of the services listed at 2.3, or is actively seeking employment in Western Australia that requires one or more of the approved licensing, registration or working checks services to obtain employment; and
- meet one of the following conditions:
- either (a) not working (unemployed) or (b ) working in an occupation at a lower skill level than the occupation commensurate with their formal overseas qualifications, skills and experience (underemployed); or
- required to undertake a skills assessment and/or meet occupational licencing and registration requirements to enable access to employment opportunities (employed – refers to instances when the approved service and employment outcome were obtained prior to accessing the Subsidy).
For examples of suitable evidence see Step 2 - Prepare your registration documents.
Migrants not eligible to access the Subsidy program are those who are:
- currently employed in an occupation commensurate with their formal overseas qualifications, skills and experience;
- currently employed in an occupation at a skill level equivalent or higher than the occupation commensurate with their formal overseas qualifications, skills and experience;
- upskilling; and/or
- receiving funding or financial assistance for the same purposes from another government program or entity.
2.2 Eligibility period
Eligibility to access Subsidy program is valid for six months from the date approved as a Job Connect claimant.
To continue to access the program beyond six months, a migrant must be re-validated as a Job Connect claimant.
2.3 Approved services
Approved services are defined as:
- licensing, registration or working checks;
- skills assessments for employment purposes delivered by the relevant authorised service provider;
- skills assessments for migration and employment purposes for licensed trades only: (air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanic; Electrician (General), Electrician (special class) and Plumber (General); and
- migrant gap training for licensed trades only;
- fees for recognition of prior learning, where no formal Australian qualification has been previously obtained.
Skills assessments for migration purposes are not considered an approved service, unless they are for licenced trades as listed above.
You can find a list Approved licensing, registration or working checks services and Skills Assessing Authorities(opens in a new tab) under the Definition of approved services section. Note that additional services will be considered where it is demonstrated it is an occupational pre-requisite for employment in an occupation.
Services not approved for Subsidy program are:
- renewal of licensing and registration for workers already working in an occupation commensurate with their formal overseas qualifications, skills and experience;
- upskilling or reskilling of existing workers to retain licensing and registration for existing work;
- services obtained through the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Skills Assessment pilots; and/or services obtained where payment for the approved service was funded by an employer or other third party, which is not the approved Job Connect claimant.
2.4 Claim period
An approved Job Connect claimant can claim reimbursement once for each type of approved service in a 12-month period.
In instances where the approved service has an expiry date, and the claimant is yet to obtain employment in Western Australia in line with their qualifications, skills and experience gained overseas, a second claim for an approved service may be considered.
2.5 Eligible dates for approved services
Claims will not be accepted where an approved service was fully received/delivered prior to 1 January 2023. Where a service has been partially received/delivered prior to 1 January 2023, the final outcome must have been received after 1 January 2023 in order to meet the eligibility requirements.
2.6 Maximum claim
The maximum claim amount is $7,500 for any one approved Job Connect claimant for the duration of the program.
In exceptional circumstances, claims that exceed $7,500 may be considered where the claimant demonstrates the service is required to gain employment in an occupation and the claimant has an employment contract for at least 12 months, subject to successful training, licencing or registration, in the relevant occupation. In such cases, claimants must submit a detailed justification request, which the Department will review and approve or decline based on the provided information.
3.1 Registration submission
To access the Subsidy eligible migrants must submit a Registration via the Migration WA Portal available on the Migration WA website.
Following notification of an approved Registration, a Job Connect claimant will be invited to submit a claim request, via the online form available on the Migration WA Portal.
An approved registration does not guarantee a claim will be approved.
An approved Job Connect claimant will be permitted to lodge multiple claims for different approved services.
3.2 Documents and verification
A registration and claim request must be deemed ‘submitted’ for the assessment to commence. Registration and claim requests, that are partially complete will not be deemed ‘submitted’ and will not be assessed.
The migrant, in submitting a registration and claim request, warrants and represents to the Department that all information and representations (in whatever form) given to the Department under, as part of or in connection to the Subsidy Program or the registration or claim request are true and correct, complete and up-to-date, and in no way misleading or deceptive.
Registration and claim requests will be assessed in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
Further information and/or supporting evidence may be requested from the claimant to make a decision to approve or decline a claim. The onus is on the claimant to ensure a complete and accurate registration or claim request with supporting documents is submitted. The Department is not obligated to request further information.
The Job Connect claimant must provide Australian bank details to allow for payment of an approved claim.
Where a payment has been made to an ineligible recipient, the Department will require recovery of the monies.
Repayment will be required where:
- the approved Job Connect claimant makes a non-genuine claim;
- there is no lawful basis for, or entitlement to, the Subsidy Payment; or
- the approved Job Connect claimant has provided to the Department incorrect, misleading or deceptive information under or in connection with the Subsidy program; or
- the approved Job Connect claimant has withheld relevant information from the Department; or
- the approved service was not provided; or
- the approved Job Connect claimant has breached this Agreement; or any legal or equitable rule or requirement; or
- where the payment was made to the Job Connect claimant ‘s bank account in error.
Where repayment is required, the Job Connect claimant agrees to promptly repay the Department any Subsidy Payment or other payment credited to the claimant or service provider within 30 days of the invoice date from the Department.
Definition and interpretation
Words or expressions used in this clause which are defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) ('GST Act') have the same meaning in this clause.
6.1 No Taxable Supply
The parties acknowledge that in reliance on the principles set out in public ruling GSTR 2012/2 – Goods and services tax: financial assistance payments, they have formed the view that there is no taxable supply arising or resulting from the reimbursement payment [Funding Amount], nor is the [Funding Amount] consideration for a supply made by the claimant.
6.2 Reimbursement of Approved Services Expenditure
If the reimbursement payment is made in accordance with this agreement for approved services, the Department will reimburse the expenditure after it has been incurred by the claimant. When the expenditure is:
(1) GST free, the Department will reimburse the GST exclusive amount.
(2) Subject to GST, the Department will reimburse the GST inclusive amount.
The Department is not obliged to pay the migrant for any part of the approved expenditure incurred until a valid tax invoice and receipt has been provided to the Department.
7.1 Use of personal information
The Department may collect, make or record, or otherwise use personal information for the purposes of administering the Subsidy program. Personal information may be disclosed to third parties for the purposes of administering and carrying out functions relating to the Subsidy program.
7.2 Disclosure of personal information
Personal information may be disclosed to and sought from third parties for the purposes of administering and carrying out functions relating to the Subsidy program. Third parties include, but are not limited to Australian Government departments and agencies.
7.3 Management of personal information
Personal information collected under the management and administration of the Subsidy program will be managed in accordance with the State Records Act 2000 and the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the FOI Act).
This legislation provides individuals with protections to prevent the misuse of personal information. In addition, if an individual has a complaint about the storing or use of their personal information, they are able to contact the WA Information Commissioner.
Under the FOI Act, an Information Commissioner has been appointed to:
- deal with complaints about decisions made by government agencies; and
- investigate possible interference with personal information, either following a complaint by the individual or of the Commissioner’s own initiative.
Further information about the role of the Information Commissioner can be found at in a new tab).
7.4 Consent to use personal information
By submitting a registration or claim request to access the Subsidy program, the claimant consents to the collection, use, and disclosure of their personal information as outlined in these Terms and Conditions.
8.1 Overview
The Department is committed to procedural fairness in the administration of the Subsidy program. It is intended that all decisions are consistent, equitable and transparent within the limits and constraints of the Subsidy program.
In the interests of procedural fairness, a claimant has a right to request a review of a decision made by the Department. This will usually be in relation to eligibility for a claim.
8.2 Process for review of decisions
The process for the review of decisions is as follows:
- A written request for a review should be made directly to the Department by completing and submitting a Review request accessible via the Migration WA Portal. Please note the review request will only be accessible for the time period specified in 8.4. The request should outline the reasons the claimant considers the decision to be incorrect or unfair;
- The review will be conducted by the Manager Migration Services, or another Officer independent of the original decision maker;
- Upon review, the Department will re-examine the original decision taking into account the intent of the program, the reasons that the claimant has put forward for review of the decision; and
- The Department will only review on a fully open and transparent basis. Accordingly, all relevant information must promptly be forthcoming from the claimant
8.3 Notification of outcome
The Department will notify the claimant of the review decision, in writing, within 28 business days from the date the Department provided notification that the review request was accepted.
The review decision will be provided in writing and include a clear explanation of the reason(s) for the review decision.
The Department will consider declarations and supporting documentation in an endeavour to review a decision to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved, balancing the rights of the claimant with prudent use of public monies.
When considering a request for review of the decision the following may be considered:
- Would the claimant be eligible for the payment if it were not for the exceptional circumstance(s)? This determines the basic eligibility for the payment(s) in dispute.
- Is the exceptional circumstance(s) out of the control of the claimant? If yes, then exceptional circumstances may apply.
- Could the claimant have reasonably been expected to do more at the time of claiming, to ensure that the claim was considered favourably? If not, then exceptional circumstances may apply.
- Did the Department provide appropriate advice, information and service to enable the claimant to lodge the claim within the appropriate timeframe? If not, then exceptional circumstances may apply.
- Has the claim been disrupted by unexpected or unplanned events that have impacted on the ability to provide supporting evidence or take necessary actions within the required time limits? If yes, then exceptional circumstances may apply.
- Exceptional circumstances are circumstances that are unusual, uncommon, unexpected or unplanned.
8.4 Time limit for review request
- A request for review of a decision must be submitted within 14 calendar days from the date the claimant receives written notification of the initial decision.
A continuing obligation throughout any period of participation in the Subsidy program is that each claimant hereby declares and warrants to the Department and the State, and all their respective offices, employees and agents, that they have read, understood and accept these Terms and Conditions and that they have been truthful, and forthcoming with all relevant information, in respect to their application/s to participate in the Subsidy program.
9.1 Liability limitation
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Department, the State Government, and their respective officers, employees, and agents, disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages or losses suffered by any applicant or third party in connection with the Subsidy program, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, (including negligence) or any other legal theory.
The Department reserves the right to:
- vary these Terms and Conditions, the eligibility criteria or any other documented rule or procedure at any time;
- accept or decline any application for participation in the Subsidy program in its absolute discretion; and
- cease the SMJCSP at any time should State Government policy change or the budget allocation for the Subsidy program be exhausted or re-prioritised.
The Department will however, honour arrangements for applicants/claims that have commenced prior to these changes coming into effect.
The Subsidy program as administered by the Department is subject to audit by the Western Australian Auditor General. Claimants may be asked to provide information during the audit process.
In administering the Subsidy program, measures have been taken to minimise red tape and simplify the claim process. This is balanced with the need to ensure Subsidy program payments are made correctly to eligible migrants.
The Department encourages claimants to participate in periodic surveys or other feedback mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of the program and inform future improvements.